
I’ve been MIA – My apologies, here’s why..

With everything going on in the world right now, I apologize for being MIA (missing in action) for the last several weeks and not connecting with you regularly as I have been!
This particular blog should be covering Week 4 of Name Analysis, which I will share with you next week instead. Today I want to share the reason for my recent absence, as many of you will be able to relate from past or present loss experiences.

You all graciously share your stories of loss and family with me and as we are community, I feel as though it is important to let you know that although I have the gifts that I do, I like you, still feel the grief and impact of losing a loved one.

During the first week of March, when the magnitude and severity of the coronavirus was just coming to light, my Mom, who lives on Vancouver Island, was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Four days after diagnosis, she was admitted to the hospital. I was on a plane two days later, and thankfully able to spend her last 2 1/2 weeks with her before she passed only twenty days later on March 24th.

Although not geographically close, my mother and I had always been very mentally, emotionally, and spiritually connected. Her rapid decline was hard to digest, as only 3 1/2 weeks earlier she had renewed her drivers licence, was taking my step-father to appointments, and was pretty well managing their daily affairs.

Since there were no medical options available and she seemed short of a true miracle, my Mom decided to go without intervention, aside from being kept as comfortable and pain-free as possible. We knew she would probably not be able to communicate with us through her final days, so we cherished the quality time we did have with her prior to that stage.

I did some energy work with my mother when I first arrived, with the stipulation that if she was meant to still be here, her healing with be complete and give her a good quality of life. If however, it was her time to pass and we had to lose her, that for her sake it would be very quick and painless.

I also shared with my Mom during one of our conversations, that we on this side were still ‘waving pompoms’ of hope for that miracle, but she also had family members on the other side (pets included), standing by her, patiently waiting to welcome her if and when that time came. A wave of total peace seemed to come over her as she absorbed this.

She expressed how much she would miss us and didn’t want to leave us, but she also confessed that she was looking forward to once again seeing her loved ones, who had passed before her.

Her doctors were shocked by how quickly her health declined. During her final two days, both my sister and I told her how much we all loved her, but it was ok to let go when she was ready. I reiterated to her again about the family waiting on the other side, who were already extending their hands to help her across.

Because of mounting COVID-19 restrictions, although the hospital staff were exceptionally accommodating, our time with our Mom was limited. As I visited with my mother on her final day, she was unconscious. I still expressed my heartfelt words, but more importantly for her, I again told her it was ok to let go of us and embrace those excitedly waiting to greet her. Although it was fleeting, my Mom lightly squeezed my hand, and slightly raised her eyebrows in acknowledgement to my words. I knew she was done and would be leaving soon.

She passed eight hours later. I spiritually ‘checked in on her’ just after her passing to make sure she was alright. Although she was still fretting about how her husband would cope, she was happy with where she was and who she was with. Knowing this was my peace of mind with my Mom’s passing.

This is a time of unprecedented loss for thousands, and some of you may already have been impacted to the ultimate degree by this, I can only hope you have not. Only through past wars, have we lost so many, so tragically. 

To all of you, I extend an immeasurable amount of love, strength and hope for all of us as a collective, a global community fighting together.

I ask that you keep the following sentiments in-mind as we move, adapt and evolve into whatever our “new norm” comes to look like:

Never leave a kind word unsaid or a loving deed undone. Cherish those you love and care about, and make a point of sharing these emotions equally. So often, everyone is so focused on showering the ill individual with attention when it’s too late and we are left regretting that we hadn’t given them more while they were here.

There isn’t a logical pecking order to the other side – it is random to us, but calculated by the terms of fate. Always hold that thought in your mind.

Please keep safe, keep healthy, and trust that this dark cloud will soon pass, bringing the sunshine of living our lives fully and vibrantly, back to us all. Until next week…

With Hugs & Hope,
Deborah Johnson

Clairvoyant, Medium, Author, Speaker

‘Connecting and understanding spirit, both living and passed’

8 thoughts on “I’ve been MIA – My apologies, here’s why..”

  1. Deborah thanks for sharing such an intimate part of your life with us. I am so very sorry that your mom has passed. While it will come to all of us, it is still never easy, especially when you are so connected on this earth. I am happy though that you got to be with her and comfort her as she crossed over. Having met her lovely daughter, I am sure she was and is a beautiful soul. Wishing you love and light and peace! Be gentle and kind with yourself. Coleen

    On Wed, Apr 15, 2020, 3:02 PM Deborah Johnson Medium, wrote:

    > deborahjohnsonmedium posted: ” With everything going on in the world right > now, I apologize for being MIA (missing in action) for the last several > weeks and not connecting with you regularly as I have been!This particular > blog should be covering Week 4 of Name Analysis, which I will s” >


  2. My deepest sympathies.
    I believe in leaving no stones unturned.
    No words left unsaid.
    Upon my mother’s passing I said it was time for her to go & join my father.
    My deepest sympathies to you & your sister


  3. Hi Deborah…so sorry for your loss. I absolutely know the pain of losing a mother.  Glad you were able to bevwith her in her final days.Stay wellJanet McCormack Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


  4. Hi Deborah;

    My deepest condolences to you and your family!!

    God Bless! Stay safe and healthy!!

    Karen MacKenzie


  5. Hi Deborah, Deepest sympathies to you and your family at this time. And yet, such a beautiful celebration of life in both worlds. Thank you for sharing. Love & Light, Nicole



  6. Hi Deborah, Thank you for sharing your message with us…it is such a blessing to have you to guide us. I am so sorry for your mom’s passing and hope you and your family continue to stay safe.

    I am deeply touched to know that our pets also wait for us on the other side, as I am still grieving from his passing (end of 2018). He is really my son, or sunshine! And I must remember to think positive when life becomes difficult…because we actually have both the living and the other side supporting us!

    Love, Anne


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